... Issue 1
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The Biggest Library Yet 15.1
KPFA San Francisco, July 1981
Interviewer (after playing Totally Wired): Anyway, Mark has requested
that we get into some more, what did you say, 'difficult' stuff?
MES: Yeah cos that's what the set's... well not 'difficult' stuff,
that's what the set's made up of, it's not made up of all these
snappy crackers like it's coming across on this show. So it better be
changed straight away!
I/v: What about that one that you did, it sounded like you were in
the back of a bar, on this album. What's the name of that song, how
was that recorded...
MES: Which one?
I/v: Is the beginning of this one that goes... it's particularly,
shall we say, low-fidelity.
MES: You could be talking about a number of tracks, I think.
I/v: There's one where you were mixed down to the point where it was
very difficult to understand a single word, and then with your accent
on top of that... I really wondered why you hadn't been nice and
provided lyric sheets for us, have you ever thought about doing
MES: Maybe, yeah. I always regarded it as making it a bit too
I/v: Oh. You don't want to make it easy for us?
MES: I'm a very secretive person. I've been thinking of doing a bit
of a book maybe, but obviously nobody's gonna be able to get hold of
it, so what's the point of that. I was think of doing excerpts -
hexcerpts - I think are interesting you know.
I/v: Just the particular lines that you think strike home.
MES: Can be bothered writing out. A lot of it is just sheer laziness,
I haven't got a lot of the stuff written down anyway.
I/v: Do you change them?
MES: In performance they get changed, yeah.
I/v: I know Genesis when they did their triumphant, final performance
here in San Francisco, came up with a lot of interesting little
comments during the song.
MES: Genesis who?
I/v: P. Orridge.
MES: Oh, I thought you meant Peter Gabriel.
I/v: Not that one. I had the...
MES: Ha ha ha. Did he really, how interesting.
I/v: That's the thing, So much for TG. What do you think of that
whole angle? Cabaret Voltaire is the other main stalwart on Rough
Trade, what do you think of that field?
MES: I like the Cabs, they're very down to earth people,
I/v: They are, I met 'em once.
MES: Yeah, I like 'em, I like what they do. They've very good live,
they should do a proper live album. Live, they're an experience,
while on record they're good but...
I/v: A little too clinical perhaps?
MES: Yeah.
I/v: That's what comes from having your own studio. Do you have any
recording stuff at home?
MES: We did some stuff in the Cabaret Voltaire studio before we came
here. But I don't think we'll be using any of that.
I/v: With Mal producing?
MES: Yeah we'd all put a hand in, you know. We like to change it
around, we used to use a studio in Rochdale a lot which was like a
heavy metal studio, which Factory records started using as well.
I/v: So you kind of have to rub elbows with Iron Maiden.
MES: No no no, Rochdale bands in the north of England, they have
these heavy metal bands, like Saracen's Hammer,things like this. Who
play clubs, they play Black Night.
I/v: Do you ever get the band together, run down and play an
unannounced gig?
MES: Yeah we are doing this here, we've got a matinee on Sunday.
I/v: That reminds me of this crumped piece of paper, it says: 'Under
18? Well there's a Sunday matinee the 12 July at the American Indian
Centre.' And that's with The Fall, the Room and the Appliances. And
ID is required to prove that you're under 18, so if you want justice
at last... or as William Burroughs shrieks out like a wounded faggot
'for justice at least!' Do you remember that line? Are you a fan of
MES: Yeah I do like him, yeah. Did you hear made that terrible record
that Throbbing Gristle brought out of him? Yeah, what a fucking...
masturbating all over the art. Terrible.
I/v: I don't know what happened to those folks, have you ever
sponsored any bands and helped them get started?
MES: Yeah, you've got to watch that or you end up being like the
Clash, you know. It's a very condescending thing to do really, help a
band. I get loads of tapes off bands but I immediately lose respect
for them most of the time by them sending me a tape. I never fucking
did it. I've been in this biz for four years and I never sent a tape
through for a favour in my whole life!
I/v: Yeah, well you're one of the lucky ones. And here he is
flaunting it. Mark is just about...
MES: Right, do you want me to announce it. This is a piece of pure
prophecy, this is the North Will Rise Again, and it's for the lads at
[The NWRA]
I/v: You know, I never made the connection between the initials on
the label and what you were actually singing, it's just one of those
things that never really quite hits home. For the kind of people that
aren't exactly fast like myself.
MES: It's supposed to be insidious you see.
I/v: Have you ever thought of yourself as a quick wit? A fast
thinker. In practise do you guys have that kind of snappy rapport
that most bands have, with the various flying insults. Or do you just
get down to business?
MES: Yeah, I try and run it like a unit. I don't go in for this
arseing around endlessly, rehearsing over and over again. I tend to
feel different every time I go off stage or, if we ever do rehearse
you know... very strange.
I/v: How often do you guys actually get together?
MES: To rehearse? Not a lot. We haven't rehearsed in months.
I/v: A little bit before you record and a little bit before you tour
and that's it?
MES: We had to rehearse with the new drummer, we did a few weekends
with him. Learning the numbers.
I/v: But the rest of the boys are tuned in to what they're supposed
to do?
MES: I think the only place you can rehearse genuinely is on stage.
That's one of the only resaons we play you know. Because no matter
what anyone says, you can't get any work of great merit out of just
staying a shed for years and not going outside. There's a lot of new
bands in England coming up who think it's very vulgar to play live,
it's a very bad thing. I mean, everybody knows playing live is a pain
in the arse, but that's not the point. I've written more stuff on
I/v: It's like playing golf by yourself.
MES: Right. Musicians, if they like it or not, they get off on people
watching them. I don't particularly do that, but they do. And they
play better, the drums and bass are just always better, and there's
women in the audience and all that shit.
I/v: Oh, women. That factor.
MES: That's right, you've got to entertain us in a crack unit.
I/v: That's why you're having this under-18 gig then.
MES: No I'm just being honest and it sets off all dirty tracks in
your mind.
I/v: Oh no, I was just kidding Mark, even though we know that's the
reason. [Mentions gigs coming up.]
You'll be hard pressed to beat the Delta 5 record. Delta 5 did seven
gigs in the Bay Area which was like the proverbial blood out of a
turnip. We're going to listening now to a single that came out before
Totally Wired, a thing called City Hobgoblins, one of my favourites.
How did you come to write the lyrics for this one, seeing as how you
don't live in the city much.
MES: Manchester's a city, let me get that straight. It's more of a
city that a lot of places.
I/v: Are you in it or are you in the outlying areas?
MES: Yeah, I'm about ten minutes from it.
I/v: Just far enough away.
MES: Yeah.
I/v: So what do you think... I guess you've been in America during
the upheaval over there? Do you have a comment on that, or is it
MES: I think it's pretty good. especialy where I'm from, Manchester,
it's great. It should have happened a hundred years ago as far as I'm
I/v: It took a Maggie Thatcher to get everyone going.
MES: Yeah true, she's an antagonist, that's where she's good really.
But people voted her in for their own greed, though, all looking at
rewards. But you just can't do that, she's punishing people for what
they are. Like when you've got to pay two dollars for a pack of
cigarettes. And like the welfare is forty dollars a week.
I/v: You're doing a great Doppler effect with your microphone
MES: A what. Does it work?
I/v: No, do you know what a Doppler effect is, when you hear an
airplane go over and the effect, the sound as it goes away. That's
what that's called.
MES: Yeah, good. Well that's a useful tip.
I/v: You learn something every day. What are your plans for recording
next time out? At your current clip, you should have something out in
about another two weeks, right.
MES: We did some stuff out at the Cabs' place, but I doubt if we'll
be using that.
I/v: But you're talking album here, or you're talking another
MES: I think an album could be a good thing. We've got a lot of good
live cassettes from tour - of new material.
I/v: How do you like to record your shows live... do you get a
MES: Cassettes, I scrounge cassettes off people.
I/v: Oh really. You see someone bootlegging it and ask them for a
MES: Yes, give them a guilt trip about it.
I/v: Shades of Little Feat there, you remember them. Remember Lowell
George, used to mix their own bootlegs? They go, oh you're going to
do a bootleg, let us come on down and mix it. Give us five per cent,
we won't tell anybody. Anyway... uh oh, someone's at the door... oh
it's my drunken friends. Oh boy, let's go to City Hobgoblins.
[City Hobgoblins]
I/v: Mark, have you got anything to say for yourself?
MES: No. Thank you, goodnight.
I/v: Is there a question that you've been wanting someone to ask, no
one's asked it yet?
MES: No, it's fine, it's fine.
I/v: What did you have for breakfast?
MES: Me? Binding omelettes from er... these places.
I/v: Binding omelettes?
MES: Yeah, with genuine colon binders.
Interviewer: This is KPFA and KPFB in Berkeley, and KPFC in Fresno.
So, welcome to sunny California Mark.
MES: Hello.
I/v: So this is the second time The Fall's come to America and
probably a little bit easier this time. Anything changed in the last
year, like any different ideas you have about the country now that
you've been here for a long time?
MES: It's a lot more receptive to us. Anything we say is taken a lot
more seriously than it was the last time we came.
I/v: We're having a little technical problem, I can't get this mic to
work here. Why don't you try this mic over here? See what
MES: Is that better?
I/v: No, that's not any easier. Well, this is wonderful, so just yell
when you talk... there's a couple of things I've always wanted to ask
you. I read this interview a long time ago, you said something in an
interview about how you thought there was no class system in the
United States. I'd like you to talk about that a little bit, because
that's something I find kinda unusual.
MES: I've been asked a lot about this in California.
Kay Carroll: Shout Mark!
MES: I've been asked a lot about that! Can you not hear it there, at
KC: No.
I/v: Why don't you come over here...
MES: It must have been having that cigarette before.
I/v: I tell you what... we'll play another record here.
[Prole Art Threat]
I/v: We're gonna try once again here. Mark, how the heck are you?
MES: I'm fine, I'm getting into the gain antithesis (?) to the San
I/v: Are you into the second wind of your tour?
MES: Yeah, we're in the second wind about three weeks back.
I/v: I understand reports were that in Palo Alto that people who saw
you thought your drummer was one of the best they'd ever seen in
their lives. That is your second drummer wasn't it?
MES: That drummer who played there was the original drummer off Live
at the Witch Trials. The drummer we have now was too young to get out
of Britain with a work permit. But I bumped into Karl, that's his
name the drummer, and asked him if he fancied doing it and he said
yeah. And it's worked really well.
I/v: How old is your nubile little teenager drummer? [Paul
MES: 16.
I/v: So he's got two more years to wait.
MES: In Britain you have to report to a police station. It's not hard
to do, but we'd have to go there and tell the police station all our
I/v: So the heck with that.
MES: Yeah, but it's worked really good because Karl is a good
drummer. He wasn't doing anything. And we've got a load of material
together from the tour, it's good.
I/v: I suppose the other spin-off is Blue Orchids. What do you think
of that direction your ex-partner has taken?
MES: I don't like all this sort of new psychedelic mush, I don't go
for it. But Martin's a good guitarist.
I/v: It's like you really want to like the Blue Orchids but somehow
you can't quite do it.
MES: People who are into The Fall think that, it's weird isn't
I/v: So anyway, let's get into something from the first record Mark
has got out in America, and let's hope it's not the last.
[Fit and Working Again]
Marc Riley on Richard Skinner's Saturday
[Shadow Figure]
Richard Skinner: You're another person who's released a BBC session
on a single, because that was originally for Peel,wasn't it?
Marc Riley: Yeah, we'll do anything to get played on the radio.
RS: You first came to my notice as a member of The Fall a few years
back, and I'm wondering how now looking back at that period important
that patch of being in The Fall was to you.
MR: Well it was obviously very important but now I look on it as a
sort of apprenticeship, you know, because you're always behind Mark.
Whereas with what I'm doing now I've got to make the decisions
RS: That's true, because it's very much the Mark Smith show isn't it,
when it comes down to it?
MR: On appearances it is, it's not really underneath but that's how
the media treats it as such, so everybody believes it.
RS: Why is there such a big turnover of people in The Fall? It's
unbelieveable, he's the only one left isn't he, of the original
MR: Well surely that speaks for itself. I don't want any libellous
RS: Are you still in touch with Mark Smith at all? Do you meet
MR: No. Well if we're in the same club he sort of walks on the
balcony above me and comes down the other side.
RS: Is there any influence then from that period in The Fall in what
you're doing today?
MR: Oh yeah very much so. Mark's attitude was something that was
indoctrinated in the band and has been a really healthy one. His
ideas for the first five years of The Fall were what I intend to
carry on. I'm not sure The Fall are carrying on in the same way but
that's what I intend to do so.
RS: Well we observed on this show that the singles sound much more
commercial nowadays.
MR: Yeah.
RS: But in fact as they demonstrated live, they're still very
uncompromising in terms of live performance.
MR: Yeah.
RS: So the attitude more than the music is the thing that comes
through from those days.
MR: I would say so, yeah. The thing that people seem to forget when
they say that the Creepers sound like The Fall is that I wrote the
music for The Fall for maybe four years so I took my little piece of
The Fall with me. But people say 'ooh you sound like The Fall', well
The Fall was as much me as the rest of the band.
RS: You sound less like The Fall as time goes on, to be honest. What
we just heard there was a big change. Are you aware of the direction
in which you're moving the music?
MR: I think it's just a case of progressing, you know. It's not like
maturing but I'm finding my feet now. I did Favourite Sister, the
first single, I did that completely like a poppy single to get away
from The Fall. But then went straight back into the arrogant stuff
after that to confuse people.
RS: Favourite Sister did very well in terms of putting your name on
the map, because it seemed to be played and played and played on the
MR: It was played and played and played but it wasn't bought and
bought and bought!
RS: People didn't buy it. I think it's a good record. I do like this
one as well. It does seem to me that sense of humour is very
important part in what you do.
MR: Basically Snipe is a list if things I like because I don't find
writing about things I do like very pleasing and satisfactory. I
write about things that annoy me. And people used to say it's very
tunnel vision, so I got a list of everything I liked and put it into
this song. But at the end I say 'But still I gripe'.
City to City, Radio One 1986
Interviewer: One of the city's most enduring outfits has been The
Fall, formed by Mark E. Smith back in 1977. Now Mark, The Fall's
always released records on independent labels like Rough Trade and
Beggars Banquet. What's made you want to stick with the indies?
MES: It's not because of any idealism, we are an independent band,
we're not an independent label band. We didn't want anybody
dictating. In those days if you got signed people told what producer
you had and stuff like this, whereas the independent records of those
days were getting away from that.
I/v: How come you never got involved with Factory Records then?
MES: Factory.... I always wanted to keep it very separate from
Factory because I think we're a different sound. In those days we
used to feel that Factory were very uniform. You know, I like what
Factory have done now, I think the Hacienda is a good idea. But I
always insist, especially nowadays with all this rosy nostalgia, that
we didn't actually ask for anything off them and I made quite sure
that we were from the other side of town. We were more Salfordian,
whereas they're more like south Manchester. Not that that's bad or
anything, I just think we were different.
I/v: Now Manchester the place and the people... you say you're a
Salfordian, what's the difference between Manchester and Salford
then, or is there any?
MES: Well I don't know, if you want to be finicky about it. It sort
of is different. Salford people are... call a spade a spade, as me
dad said to me yesterday. But there's a lot of pseudo-Salfordians
now. All the bands claim to come from Salford, which I find
outrageous because none of them did.
I/v: Not even the Salford Jets?
MES: Ha ha, I'm talking about bands, groups.
I/v: What about the place though, Greater Manchester; the place, the
people. What are they like?
MES: I think it's great. What I like about it is - it's a city.
People forget this, it's not like the dear capital of this country,
which is really like a conurbation of villages. And it's not a new
town, it's a city, and it's an old city. I like the architecture,
stuff like that, really.
BRT Belgium Radio interview, 4.2.87
Interviewer: If you look back to it [the play Hey Luciani],
what do you feel, was it worth it?
MES: Yes, it was definitely worth it, for the experience.
I/v: The play was based on the song...
MES: Yeah, it went off on tangents a lot. I had a lot of things going
on in the play. People thought it was about the Pope, that was the
problem. It wasn't really about the Pope at all.
I/v: It was received well but [there was[ misunderstanding,
all that anti-Catholic stuff.
MES: People got it all wrong, yeah. It was because we didn't send any
press releases out. But the audience enjoyed it - old people liked
it, and young people liked it, which I was very flattered with. And
it was full most nights. It was good for me 'cause I got working with
people from other things. The British theatre's almost like another
social scene, it's like going back to school.
I/v: So, you picked some identities from the book and gave them new
identities for the play. It had nothing to do with the church in
MES: They were the historical characters from 1978.
I/v: It started from a play. Didn't you plan a film or video for
later release?
MES: No, it was one of those things where I felt I had to do it and I
went ahead with it. I had a lot of opposition from all camps. But it
was well worth it. For a start, it made me value playing live
concerts more. To go out there and just play what you want...
I/v: You're not planning a career as a writer?
MES: I'm too good. Ha ha!
I/v: It was a moment out of the life of yourself and The Fall, as I
see it. It was also a denunciation of trash culture. That's what
people tell me who saw it.
MES: Well... really. I did want it to be funny though, it was a
humourous thing. A lot of the critics didn't see the humour in it.
The audiences did. It's very entertaining, even my mother and father
liked it, and they don't even like The Fall.
I/v: Now back to the band. It would be nice to see The Fall reach a
larger audience while keeping its own identity.
MES: Yeah, I don't think it's any problem. This is the year we going
to do it. The Fall has always expanded its audience anyway, the
audience gets bigger every year and we sell more records. It's not a
major consideration to become commercial. But I think it's more
interesting than being your normal British art-school group who play
to students and they're big for two or three years and then that's
it. That doesn't interest me at all.
I/v: And many bands get lost or split when they can't handle
popularity. How would you intercept popularity as a hit-making
MES: We can handle it pretty well. We're quite popular now in
Britain, I don't find it any problem. People tend to leave me alone,
I think they're a bit frightened of me which is a good thing. My wife
Brix is quite a star in her own right.
I/v: If I hear it well, you like to keep distance?
MES: Yeah. Because it affects your work if you're gonna be chased
around like Boy George all the time. I think it can really be a bad
I/v: Would be nice if The Fall was available to anyone on its own
MES: We have a lot of troubles with record labels and things like
I/v: One final question. How do you select the songs for a gig like
tonight. Old ones, combined to new tunes that people don't
MES: Yeah, it's a bit hard to pick 12 songs. But tonight I'm just
going to go out for the most exciting ones. I think we'll even do
Fiery Jack tonight, which is really old.
Skin and Bone tapezine
Interviewer: As far as I can see The Fall have had quite a big
influence on certainly, the music that I'm interested in recent
years. Do you think that what you're doing now is still one step
ahead, that you'll be able to look back in a few years and say yeah
we influenced what's happening now?
Brix: I don't think it's one step ahead necessarily, I think the
music is still completely unique and really original. And it has a
sound like nobody else's and I'm sure you could say that this song is
structured like a rockabilly song, but you don't. It comes across as
like, its own. The Fall have always been leaders and not followers,
not so much years ahead, just leaders that's all.
I/v: When I first saw that Gavin Friday was on the new album, it
initially struck me as being a bit strange. How did that come about
and do you have any plans for doing anything with him in the
B: Well Mark played me this record called Sandpaper Lullaby by the
Virgin Prunes. And I'd never heard them, but I'd heard of them. And I
thought it was the most beautiful song I'd ever heard practically,
and it made me cry. I've never been moved like that by music, very
rarely like that. And I thought that Gavin's voice - the texture of
it and the tone of it - would sound really good with Mark's voice.
And I said to Mark, do you think this would be a good idea, and he
said it's very interesting. So I wrote Gavin a letter and said would
you be interested, and he said yes. Cause they were friends, you
I/v: Has anybody got any ideas of doing any music or other projects
outside of the context of The Fall?
B: Beggars asked me to do a solo single, but whether or not I don't
know. But I don't want to do it without The Fall, I want to use all
the rest of them on it. [Steve & Craig mutter in
The thing about doing other projects is that within The Fall is so
much room to create in your own way. Like if Craig wanted to sing or
if I wanted to sing a song, we could. I mean, we could contribute
more than we do maybe. So it's not like a burning desire to get away
from it. And also, the one good thing that we are doing is that
Michael Clark, the choreographer, is using four tracks from the new
album for the Paris Ballet Company owned by Rudolf Nureyev and
premiering December 10 in Paris. So the Paris Ballet Company is
dancing to The Fall which is a complete freak-out to me, cause you
don't know how snotty those people are.
I/v: Did you take it as a compliment when Michael Clark asked you if
he could use The Fall's music?
B: Yes, well we didn't know...
Anon (other band members, not Mark, are present): Having seen the
ballet in London, trying to get a word in edgeways...
B: Sorry, I don't know why I'm so wound up.
Anon: When we went to see the ballet, it was great wasn't it. The
idea of ballet doesn't appeal to me at all. But you just saw all the
humour in the band. He was dressed up as Hitler, as a woman, and it
was really good. It's like Mark was saying, he's like The Fall of the
ballet world. He kind of shocks the ballet world, so combining the
two, you're reaching this audience of er... well, a stuffy audience.
But I think we're influencing them.
I/v: What sort of people were there then?
Anon: There were people ranging from about 18 years old and we even
saw some people of about 50 didn't we?
(Drunken imitation of old farts at ballet.)
D'you know what I mean, like real old fuddy-duddies who like, know
everything about the art world. People who'd never heard of us
before. So it was like fucking great to see that.
B: They'd go 'Michael daaarling'. I mean, really, we didn't really
think people talked like that. 'Michael daaarling. Get mummy a big
gin and tonic.' And we didn't really know what to expect when we
heard about it. When they saw it, I think everybody was really
impressed. It was really good. So good.
It added a new dimension to the music, that you'd never saw before,
even playing it recording it knowing it.
Other band members waffle on in background, sounding very drunk and offering the occasional belch. One of them says (about M. Clark): 'He's got a great fuckin' arse though.' 'Oh god,' says Brix, despairingly.
I/v: Do you ever feel as though people take The
Fall too seriously?
C or S: Yeah, that was the good thing about that ballet, cause
Michael Clark could see the humour in it. Yeah we do, mainly because
we're playing the student halls they tend to analyse things.
I/v: Has Mark got a great big pile of lyrics that he brings
B: He's got... I'm telling you. We have this closet in our house and
it has a box that's four feet deep with papers. And he just keeps
writing and sometimes he takes the papers out and picks linmes from
them and puts it together. Cut-up technique, yeah. Not so much
anymore. And sometimes he writes it straight.
I/v: Somebody once said, about free festivals, that The Fall were
working lads and had to be paid for the work they did. Is there
anything you'd be prepared to lose money for?
B: They wanted us to do a miners benefits but we wouldn't do it in
London because everyone does it in London, we wanted to do it in
Yorkshire where they needed it and where the miners could come you
know. But no one would put it on anywhere north so we said forget
I/v: Do you listen to your own stuff much at all? Do you sit and home
and listen to The Fall album or what?
B: We don't listen to anything, we don't even have a record
I/v: Do you have any preference between fanzine
interviews and established music press interviews?
B: I like fanzine much better.
I/v: Why?
B: Because the people are much more on our level and are not out to
slice us up. I find particularly with me they... well the NME, this
is what just happened, they look for your weak spot and they attack
and they get you over a barbed wire fence and it's really hard, I
don't know, they're really nasty I think. Luckily, they haven't said
anything too bad yet. Mark can deal with it really well because he's
been through it for years. But for me I personally prefer fanzines.
And I think fanzines are really important and I think dying out.
Obviously no one likes to hear the bad things. Criticism, yes, but
like... slamming, no. People taking out their own anger or their own
feelings on something that you've done that's really irrelevant to
what you've done, do you know what I mean, is not really...
I/v: How do you find Manchester in comparison to
Chicago? Is it Chicago you come from?
B: I'm from LA but I lived in Chicago for a while. I like Manchester
and I like where we live, it's nice and quiet and the people are very
friendly and warm, and I miss America a lot and I go there once a
year to visit my family to get a dose of it and then I come back
I/v: Are you into English pubs and beer, that sort of culture?
B: I don't drink, and I don't like pubs at all, and I don't go. Mark
goes without me.
Radio One, phone i/v with Liz Kershaw - Kurious
Liz Kershaw: Hiya Mark, who have you been working with?
MES: Hiya Liz. When?
LK: With some dance company I hear.
MES: Michael Clark and company, yeah.
LK: How did you get involved in that?
MES: Mike's been using our music for about three years in his shows.
Just tapes though in the past. So this was the first time we could do
it live, which is what we originally intended to do.
LK: Were you flattered, were you a fan of his?
MES: No, he's a fan of ours, from when he was a teenager.
LK: So what's the performance all about - did you have to write the
music specially for it?
MES: Yeah, we wrote about three-quarters of it especially.
LK: And how do you go about doing that for a dance show?
MES: We were working abroad a lot so... it was a good way actually,
every time we wrote anything we'd send him a cassette through the
LK: So he choreographed it for your music rather than the other way
MES: That's right, yeah.
LK: Well it's called I'm a curious orange, so what happens?
MES: When Michael came to me with the thing, we were talking about it
and I said how have we got the budget to do this, and he said we've
got a lot of the money from Holland. And I said why, and he said it
was the 300 year celebration of William of Orange going to
LK: Oh, that kind of orange.
MES: Yeah.
LK: Nothing to do with fruit and veg.
MES: So we thought we'd have a bit of fun with it. There's an old
porn film called I am Curious Yellow which is where we got the title
from. So we wrote the sings and mailed them to him. The first half of
it is loosely based around the life of William and reactions to it
and stuff.
LK: But how do you actually express that in a dance?
MES: Well I don't know, I'm not the choreographer.
LK: But you've seen it, cause you're on stage during the
MES: Obviously, yeah.
LK: And he dances around you.
MES: Yeah.
LK: So he really tells a story with his dancing then?
MES: No, he's just a brilliant dancer, that's all.
LK: So you first performed it in Amsterdam - did it go down well?
MES: It went down great, yeah. We just finished a week in
LK: That's at the Edinburgh festival, and was it well-received
MES: Yeah, it was good to do them two places first because with the
English education system, no one's told anything about anything. But
in Holland it's quite an important subject, and in Scotland it's
quite a thing that everybody knows about. So it's a good trial for
LK: Isn't it all a bit poncy and arty-farty?
MES: Not particularly, no. Michael's a pretty excellent dancer. I
mean, I know nothing about ballet. Anybody can tell you that.
LK: What kind of audiences do you get, do you get Fall fans coming
just for the music?
MES: It's very interesting, yeah. In Edinburgh it changed every
night, sometimes you get the blue rinse people with their handbags on
their laps, and sometimes you get the dicky-bow people with fingers
in their ears when the music comes on. And there's a lot of Fall
fans, too. I think it's good, everybody seems to enjoy it.
LK: Is it a lucrative business then?
MES: No, I don't think so.
LK: But are you getting paid for it?
MES: Oh aye, yeah we are.
LK: So what do you get out of it then?
MES: How d'you mean?
LK: What kind of satisfaction do you get out of it?
MES: It just stimulates me. And also I like to do things a bit
different, rather than just do the tour-LP schedule. Like the first
half of this year, we were touring a lot, so it's really nice and
refreshing to do something like this on a massive stage, us be in the
corner and just concentrate on whacking out the music.
LK: Are you a bit of dancer yourslf?
MES: I used to be, yeah. I'm thinking of er... I don't want to show
anyone up. I'd better keep still.
LK: Now, it's rumoured that you're doing a cover of Jerusalem.
MES: That starts the show off.
LK: You've actually done it. So how do you do that, 'cause it was our
school song, do you give it a totally different interpretation?
MES: It was your school song... well, I think it was everyone's
school song. We approach it like the Velvet Underground would.
There's a nice joke section in the middle of it as well.
LK: So are you going to release Jerusalem as a record?
MES: Most probably yeah.
MES in Munich 14.2.89
German interviewer speaks to Mark in alternating German and
Interviewer: Mark, come on over here, you can get your beer later.
This ballet that you did, when did you start working on it?
MES: When did I start working on it? Last spring.
I/v: Last spring you started?
MES: Yeah, last time I saw you.
I/v: You actually performed live on the stage with the ballet. We
only saw one dancer tonight but it was a whole crew, right?
MES: Yeah.
I/v: What's the matter with you? [Speaks in German] The dance
group split you told me.
MES: What?
I/v: The dance group, the ballet group...
MES: You'll have to ask the dance group. [Speaks loudly and
clearly as if to imbecile]. You'll have to ask the dance group
about that!
I/v: All right. Other projects of The Fall...
MES: No, but we did a tour before Christmas with just one dancer. We
find that's better.
I/v: This one?
MES: Yes, Ellen van Schuylenburch.
I/v: And how did the people react on the thing with the ballet. You
did it in Amsterdam I think.
MES: It's of no importance how they react.
I/v: Not at all.
MES: No.
I/v: No?
MES: No.
I/v: No, okay. [Speaks in German] Do you have any other
problems like that?
MES: No, no problems whatsoever.
I/v: Projects, projects, sorry not problems.
MES: You are the man with the problems.
I/v: I'm the man with the problems, okay. You're the man with the
projects. Which?
MES: Mind your own business, they're all secrets.
I/v: Secrets?
MES: Yeah, we The Fall, and we are the the best. So.
I/v: You are The Fall and The Fall are the best. What do you think
about Philip Boa?
MES: I think he's okay.
I/v: Want to go see him? Right now?
MES: Er... well, he's very popular in Manchester.
I/v: Shall we go over and see him, do you wanna walk with me?
MES: Yeah, let's go over Christian, like we really are going over
I/v: [Introduces Philip Boa]
MES: Hi, Philip, you all right?
Key 103 interview with Terry Christian,
Brix: Hello Terry.
Terry Christian: Hey, very nice! You're turning on the charm now,
you've just been telling me off a minute ago. Now, the Adult Net, you
formed them back in 1985, you've had more line-up changes in them
than an alien firing squad haven't they?
B: Kind of, I guess I'm the central figure of it and it's really who
I choose to work with and who wants to work with me. I don't want to
work with people that aren't happy doing what I'm doing.
TC: You tried to keep it a big secret, didn't you, who was in the
original Adult Net.
B: At first I did, the very first few records.
TC: Why was that?
B: Just for the mystery of it.
TC: I think most of the records were a mystery to people Brix,
because not everybody got hold of them did they?
B: No, they were quite difficult to get hold of the early ones,
TC: You did have Ian Broudie, who produced the Icicle Works and used
to be in Big in Japan with Holly Johnson, in the band, didn't
B: At one point, yes he was, very good research you've done. He sort
of produced Waking up in the Sun which was the fourth single and he
played on it a bit. And we did an album for Beggars Banquet called
Spin This Web which I never let out of the cage.
TC: Why was that?
B: I was never really happy with it because unfortunately I never got
the money I needed to do it properly and I had to use drum machines
and synths and things instead of hiring a proper band, and using
machines wasn't conducive to the music that I was doing.
TC: I would have thought, don't get me wrong now, if I was a record
company boss, that if you went into the studio and spent about
£50,000 of my money and then said...
B: I didn't, I spent much less than £50,000 first of all, and
second of all the man wasn't unhappy because two of the tracks got
used for a TV movie in America which went out to 40 million people,
so it wasn't so bad.
TC: What was that, are those the TV movies where you watch the first
five minutes and you can make up the rest of it?
B: Mmm, kind of. It was a bit better than that. It was sort of a
soppy subject, it was about teenage pregnancy, and this teenage girl
who was played by Rosanna Arquette's little sister who got pregnant
in high school and her boyfriend and her got married and had the baby
and like it was life in the high school with the baby.
TC: It wasn't a cover version of that Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper one,
Debbie Gibson's just given birth to my two-headed love child.
B: No, it wasn't that. They used Waking up in the Sun and Spin This
TC: Your compositions of course. So how much money did you get for
that Brix, I'm not being nosey.
B: I'm not saying.
TC: Listen, this is a girl who looks like she's worth a few bob.
B: Charming.
TC: You actually do come from quite a rich background in the
B: I wouldn't say rich. You know, my mother worked for everything
that she has, she was very poor as a child and she just worked her
way up, she's sort of a self-made woman. So I was taught to work.
TC: Did you have a swimming pool in your house?
B: Yes! At my father's house, I admit, I did have a swimming pool,
TC: That is rich, isn't it?
B: I suppose it is, yes. But, for LA standards it's quite normal
because it's baking hot there so most, even small houses even
apartment buildings have them.
TC: When you first came to Manchester, did you think it was like the
third world?
B: No, I did not. I loved Manchester from the beginning. In fact,
yesterday was my anniversary of my coming to Manchester six years
TC: What, you can remember it to the day?
B: Yeah.
TC: That bad was it?
B: No, it wasn't Terry, don't put words into my mouth.
TC: Did you need subtitles when people talked to you?
B: At first. Glasgow was the place that really threw me, for
TC: Do you not find many Mancunians in Los Angeles, and where is it
you live, Chicago?
B: No, not too many. Usually, by the time they've lived in America
for a couple of years, their accents have soften a bit, and they jurt
sound slighly British.
TC: I must admit all my years of working for the BBC made me sound
quite posh.
B: ...
TC: My accent disappeared without a trace really. Some people might
B: ...
TC: Tell us whatever happened to Ian Broudie, why did he disappear
off the scene?
B: He hasn't disappeared, he'd doing production work for other bands,
I think a Belgian band. And he did Hey! Luciani for The Fall,
remember that single. And he actually co-produced the last Fall
album, I am Kurious, Oranj. Because we did that up in Edinburgh with
the ballet and we had a mobile recording unit there and Ian Broudie
was at the helm of that, and he's doing loads of things now, I just
don't know what cause producers they go underground when they're
making records and you don't hear of them for a year and a half later
when the record come out. But I know he just got married to his
girlfriend, long time girlfriend Becky. If they're listening in
Liverpool, hello.
TC: Whereabouts in America do you think Manchester is like?
B: Chicago.
TC: Why do you say that, there's nothing in Chicago.
B: There's loads, it's like... it's got loads of beautiful buildings
and there's a sort of kinship I think with Chicagoans and Mancunians
are quite similar in disposition.
TC: What you mean everybody in Chicago is of Irish descent or
B: No but there are a lot of Irish and black people, and Irish black
people. But that's not what I meant, nothing ethnic, just a state of
mind. Maybe that's why I felt so comfortable when I first moved here
because it was a similar pace of life.
TC: You mean like a cultural vacuum?
B: Why do you keep knocking it Terry, obviously I've stayed here for
six years.
TC: No, this is my home town. Only people from their home town can be
allowed to not like it sometimes.
B: Hey you know, hit the north, you know.
TC: Yeah, exactly. As long as I don't have to go and live in
Prestwich, which is where you were living for a time.
B: ...
TC: Before I play this I'll go back and talk to you again about it,
because your second single you released with the Adult Net - Edie -
about Edie Sedgwick who was the original bimbo in a way. And, I think
the Cult, their next single is going to be about Edie, as well.
B: Is it? They're such copycats. And Edie Brickell and the New
Bohemians have a song called little Miss S which is about her as
well. It's quite a hip thing to write about do now, thank God I did
it five years ahead of everyone else.
TC: Why were you so impressed with Edie Sedgwick? I was quite lucky
to talk to Nat Finkelstein who was a photographer for Andy Warhol and
all that kind of... not art deco, but whatever they had in New York
in the sixties...
B: Pop art consciousness.
TC: I could certainly do with a bit more consciousness, look at it
that way. And he seems to reckon that she was a complete and utter
airhead and he'd never met anyone so shallow and insipid in his life.
He said it was quite sad.
B: Well, that is sad, but I think visually speaking she looked
fantastic and she had a wonderful sense of style and she lived her
life on the edge. When I wrote the song I was 17 and that seemed so
exciting, you know, but she did take a lot of drugs and she was
constantly tripping and doing all sort of wild things burnt herself
out vvery quickly. She also had anorexia, she was the first of the
really thin Twiggy type people, and she was just an American tragedy
and it was quite a sad story. In the end she burnt herself out and
had a heart attack in her sleep at the age of 26.
TC: And that made you want to write a song?
B: Yeah, and I also went to school with her cousin, Rob Sedgwick, who
was my suite-mate at college.
TC: What's that?
B: A suite is like a hallway with three bedrooms and a communal
bathroom and me and my friend and room-mate had one and Rob Sedgwick
had another and another guy who was also an actor had another. So we
shared the suite with them. And we used to torment Rob 'cause we'd
play our guitars really late at night singing songs about Edie and
screaming at the top of our lungs and one night Rob kicked down the
door to our room and he was standing in nothing but jockey shorts and
he was screaming. He wanted to wring our little blonde necks. But we
didn't mind because he was like an Adonis god.
TC: Was he hung like a donkey?
B: Well, I didn't really look at that area. I'm talking like blond
hair and tan and biceps.
TC: I meant did he have big ears?
B: Oh well I didn't look at that either.
[Plays Edie]
TC: I was asking you something interesting wasn't I?
B: What was it about?
TC: I don't know, it can't have been that interesting can it. I
mean... Phonogram signed you up and they're obviously putting the
wheels of industry behind you with everything that they've got. And
you've got Clem Burke in the band who used to be in Blondie, Craig
Gannon used played with the Smiths, Aztec Camera, the Bluebells and
the Funboy Three. Who's the other guy...
B: James Eller...
TC: Who's played with The The and also Johnny Marr. And I mean
they're all like in-house people aren't they, all under the Polygram
umbrella, all signed to ...
B: No, none of them are.
TC: Oh. I thought maybe they were building a supergroup on the
B: No, they're not cheap either. They basically do their own thing,
they do bits of sessions but they're very picky about what they do.
We just enjoyed working together so much that they're going to still
continue to work with me when the time comes to play live.
TC: So why are you doing so much promotion now if the album's not
going to be out till September?
B: I think the singles need promotion and I don't think many people
know about Adult Net and about me and I think it's important to get
my point across.
TC: The stuff that the Adult Net are doing at the moment -
particularly the new single, Where Were You - is very much kind of
daytime radio material and people think oh yeah, Brix Smith, we'll be
getting you in and you'll end up talking about The Fall all
B: Yeah I suppose it is different but the music comes from same
place. I love music, all kinds of music, and it comes from my heart
and soul. And I think when people hear the album they'll hear a bit
of The Fall in it as well.
TC: Will you be going over to the States with the Adult Net?
B: Yeah, the American record company Polygram is really keen on it,
they're showing a lot of support which is great. Being in The Fall
we've had quite a difficult time in the States. The Fall is quite a
big cult band but we've never had chart success there and our records
aren't distributed properly even though we're sort of on RCA.
TC: You're with Polygram in the States, and not RC. Aren't RCA
kicking up about that?
B: Well The Fall was on RCA and now The Fall have also signed in
December to Phonogram as well as me, so now I'd guess they'd be on
Polygram as well.
TC: So you're all under the same in-house umbrella?
B: We are actually under that umbrella.
TC: The same expense account.
B: Well, no.
TC: Have you got a bigger expense account?
B: No, probably less because I'm one person.
TC: That's sad isn't it.
B: No, not really. I'm not the kind of person that's motivated by
money, I'm motivated by music.
TC: That's because you were brought up with a swimming pool in your
back garden.
B: Terry, let's not stir it, please. I'll have you know that the
advance that Phonogram gave me for signing, I took that money and I
went back to Beggars Banquet and I bought back all of the tapes that
I made there so I had have control of the music that I had written
and recorded and I actually have no advance, and I have no money, so
I'll just have you know that fact.
TC: Is that so you can get the greatest hits album out a year next
B: No, no.
TC: I'm just being dead cynical. Horrible. A horrible worm of a human
B: I've had no hits yet, so I think Christmas is bit too soon for
TC: It never stops people though. The Best Of, isn't it, when they
don't have any hits.
B: Yeah maybe, but I like to think of myself as a person with
TC: What about the record company because they've got somebody like
yourself, you're blonde you're nice looking, they could shove you...
they could think we'll give her any old rubbish to sing, she'll look
good in the video, she'll do well on TV and she can interview well so
she's going to have hits anyway. Are you frightened that they might
try to steer you in that direction?
B: As a matter of fact there's absolutely none of it. I have the kind
of contract where I'm in control of everything down to the lettering
on the sleeve and I make sure that I'm involved in every aspect of my
career. I was lucky because they heard my demo tapes and they saw the
one single gig that I did, and they liked me for me, and they liked
my music for what it was. When I was done with the album I was
shaking, I was so scared they were goint to say 'Remix, remix with
so-and-so' you know, with Stock Aitken and Waterman. They never did,
they're completely supportive and I'm really grateful to them,
they've been really good to me.
TC: Do you think that, if they do show a bit of confidence and a bit
of faith in you it gives you more confidence to make the next album
even more of your own kind of stuff?
B: It helps you know, but basically that kind of confidence is within
me anyway. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing, you have to believe
in yourself and want to do it bad enough. And no one can put that in
you, it must come from within and it does. But it's great to have
TC: It sounds like the Donahue programme now, doesn't it. Now, I've
never listened to this, Over the River, you told me that it was just
something else.
B: Yeah I really like this song. I wanted it to be on the album, I
did about 14 tracks and it was hard to pick which 10 were going to go
on and and which were going to stay off. And I decided that Over the
River was going to be a CD track and not an album track, and now I'm
kicking myself because I like it so much I wish it was on the album.
But, too bad.
[Plays Over the River]
TC: Is that one for the yuppies then, if it's only on CD?
B: Is it only yuppies that have CD players? I got my CD player for
Christmas. Took me ages to get one. I'm not a yuppie Terry.
TC: Well actually you're already there, you don't need to be upwardly
mobile do you?
B: ...
TC: Well it's been very interesting having you on Brix... Where Were
You is out on Monday, that's going to be your new single. I reckon
it'll go Top 40. Will it change your life than, you know you won't
come and talk to us anymore once you've been on Top of the Pops
B: I've never been on Top of the Pops in the first place...
TC: Did you not go on with The Fall?
B: No, The Fall were never asked, I mean this is one of the biggest
crises in the history of the band. I mean, two Top 40 hits and never
asked. Even when we were the highest new entry, we were sure we were
going to go on this week. Me and Marcia were going 'What will we
wear, what will we wear?' It was like, failure, we didn't get on.
TC: I think that is great actually.
Next page: Lard's
tour diaries |
Parker 'Urban Warrior' interviews MES
This is a follow-up to issue 6 which featured a number of Fall
interview transcripts. The whole thing is at TBLY
6: Radio Interviews pt 1 and